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We have created a diagram to help the breed standard be visualised. 


Kennel Club Breed Standard

Last updated April 2017

A Breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance including the correct colour of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. Absolute soundness is essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. From time to time certain conditions or exaggerations may be considered to have the potential to affect dogs in some breeds adversely, and judges and breeders are requested to refer to the Breed Watch section of the Kennel Club website here for details of any such current issues. If a feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the right measure. However if a dog possesses a feature, characteristic or colour described as undesirable or highly undesirable it is strongly recommended that it should not be rewarded in the show ring.

General Appearance

Medium sized, robust and strongly boned. Heavier in build and slightly stronger in head than most pointing breeds. Capable of covering long distances, with a light, supple gait showing elegance in carriage, even in the most difficult terrain. Short, glossy coat with characteristic colours and markings.


Versatile worker and natural hunter with excellent scenting ability who tends to work closely with handler. This trait, combined with its gentle nature and desire to please, makes a highly trainable pointer.


Gentle, affectionate, intelligent and obedient. Adapts well to family life.

Head and Skull

Head long, proportional to size, somewhat lighter in bitches, with muzzle length equal to or slightly less than that of skull. Planes of skull and muzzle are slightly divergent. Viewed from above, the skull is almost oval. Width of skull at the zygomatic arches is equal to its length. Occiput slightly prominent, moderate stop. Level muzzle. Upper lip overlaps the lower, neat corners to the mouth. Viewed from the front, lips form a square end to the muzzle. Nose always black, relatively broad, shiny, with well-open nostrils. Noticeable difference between the sexes.


Relatively large, oval, dark hazel in colour. Expression candid and kind. Close fitting eyelid showing no white. Well pigmented eye rim.


Set well back, below the level of the eye. When attentive, may be slightly raised. Turns slightly inward, neither curled nor flat. The ear is supple and slightly satiny.


Teeth strong. Jaws strong with perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, ie the upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to jaws. Level bite equally acceptable.


Relatively long, well set, slightly arched, with a slight dewlap. Length of the neck roughly equal to that of the head.


Shoulders strong, well muscled, set well back and very free in action, with good slope to upper arm. Elbows set close to the side without being tied or loose. Forearms strong and long, muscular and straight. Pasterns short, slightly flexible when viewed in profile.


Length of body (from point of shoulder to point of buttock) just slightly longer than height at the withers. Depth of chest half the height of the dog at the withers. Topline straight & level, with well marked withers. Back only moderately wide ribcage not too rounded, ribs carried well back to fairly wide loin, which is very slightly arched. Croup falls away with hip bones just visible. Chest well ribbed back, oval in shape, reaching the elbow. Underline rises gently towards the belly. Skin fine, rather loose without any exaggeration.


Well angulated, hind legs parallel from behind, turning neither in nor out. Well muscled thighs. Hocks lean and well defined. Rear pasterns short, well boned.


Oval with tightly knit toes, turning neither in nor out. Firm pads, hard and resistant. Nails strong and short.


Set rather high, carried horizontally. Strong at base, rounded, and not too fine.

Undocked: not reaching below the hocks.

Docked: length of 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 ins).


An endurance trot, steady, straight and true. Long-striding, but without exaggeration.


Short, glossy, never hard, not too fine. Skin fine and rather loose but without exaggeration.


Black and white in variations of two recognised patterns: ticked or roan, both equally acceptable and both of which may contain some solid black patches.

Coat entirely black, or entirely white, or with tan markings highly undesirable.


Height at withers: males 57 to 63 cms (22 ½ to 24 ¾ ins). Ideal height 60 cm (23 ½ ins). Females: 53 to 59 cms (20 ¾ to 23 ¼ ins). Ideal height 56 cm (22 ins).

For both sexes, a tolerance of 3 cms (1 ¼ ins) either way is acceptable.


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.


Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

*Note for prospective puppy buyers

Size – the Kennel Club Breed Standard is a guide and description of the ideal for the breed; the Size as described does not imply that a dog will match the measurements given (height or weight). A dog might be larger or smaller than the Size measurements stated in the Breed Standard.

United Kingdom

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